File #: SR 24-0618   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Department: Public Works
Meeting Date: 4/9/2024
Legislative Title: Resolution accepting the Amendment Modification Summary (E-76) authorized funding for Construction and Construction Engineering Phases in the amount of $4,740,000 for Federal Aid Project Number BRLO 5917(092), Hirschdale Road Over Truckee River Bridge Project. (Dist. V)
Indexes: Bridges (9), Community Development Agency (61), Dept. of Public Works (Dept. of Transportation) (Engineering) (5), State of California (Miscellaneous, Home Rule) (34)
Attachments: 1. RES 24-141 Accepting the Amendment Modification Summary for Construction and Construction Engineering Phases For Federal Aid Project Number BRLO 5917(092), 2. Staff Memo - E-76 SEQ#6 Hirschdale Truckee River Bridge, 3. Resolution - E-76 SEQ#6 Hirschdale Truckee River Bridge, 4. Amendment Modification Summary SEQ#6


Resolution accepting the Amendment Modification Summary (E-76) authorized funding for Construction and Construction Engineering Phases in the amount of $4,740,000 for Federal Aid Project Number BRLO 5917(092), Hirschdale Road Over Truckee River Bridge Project. (Dist. V)