File #: SR 24-0132   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Department: Information and General Services
Meeting Date: 1/23/2024
Legislative Title: Resolution approving a qualified list based on the competitive Request for Qualifications No. 170098 for the Last Mile Broadband Grant and Support Opportunity for a term of January 23, 2024, through January 30, 2027, authorizing the Purchasing Agent to solicit and award grants up to a maximum amount of $300,000 per project and a total aggregate amount of $1,000,000 annually, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute the grant awards and amendments.
Indexes: Purchasing (Bids and Contracts: Notice of Completion & Acceptance) (29)
Attachments: 1. RES 24-041 Approving a qualified list for the Last Mile Broadband Grant and Support Opportunity, 2. Staff Memo Broadband Qualified List, 3. Resolution Broadband Qualified List, 4. Supporting Document Request for Qualifcations No 170098 Last Mile Broadband Grant and Support Opportunity
Related files: SR 25-0144


Resolution approving a qualified list based on the competitive Request for Qualifications No. 170098 for the Last Mile Broadband Grant and Support Opportunity for a term of January 23, 2024, through January 30, 2027, authorizing the Purchasing Agent to solicit and award grants up to a maximum amount of $300,000 per project and a total aggregate amount of $1,000,000 annually, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute the grant awards and amendments.