File #: SR 25-0162   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Department: Code Compliance
Meeting Date: 2/25/2025
Legislative Title: Resolution accepting award of the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Funds in the amount of $500,000 (Res. 24-605), for the Local Equity Grant Fund program, and authorizing the Cannabis Compliance Director to execute the grant agreement.
Attachments: 1. RES 25-070 Accepting award of the California Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development, Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Funds, 2. Staff Report - GO-Biz Grant Funds Acceptant 24-25, 3. Resolution:GO-Biz Grant Acceptance 24-25, 4. Budget Worksheet


Resolution accepting award of the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Funds in the amount of $500,000 (Res. 24-605), for the Local Equity Grant Fund program, and authorizing the Cannabis Compliance Director to execute the grant agreement.