File #: SR 16-0581   
Type: Report Status: Filed
Department: Sheriff's Office
Meeting Date: 7/19/2016
Legislative Title: Review of the Home Detention Program, also known as the Alternative Sentencing Program, as required by Resolution 10-108 and California Penal Code 1203.016 (d)(1), and accept the report.
Indexes: Sheriff, Jail, WBCF (Wayne Brown Correctional Facility) (10), State of California (Miscellaneous, Home Rule) (34)
Attachments: 1. Memo, 2. Alternative Sentencing Application Materials 2016.pdf, 3. Supplemental Docs


Review of the Home Detention Program, also known as the Alternative Sentencing Program, as required by Resolution 10-108 and California Penal Code 1203.016 (d)(1), and accept the report.