File #: SR 24-0614   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Department: Facilities
Meeting Date: 4/9/2024
Legislative Title: Resolution approving an agreement between the County of Nevada, Town of Truckee, and Friends of the Truckee Library regarding multi-jurisdictional support and funding for the Truckee Regional Library Project, to be in effect through June 30, 2029, authorizing the County Executive Officer to execute the agreement, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the fiscal year 2023/24 Capital Facilities budget. (4/5 Affirmative vote required)
Indexes: Agreements (Contracts & Leases, etc.) (45), Nevada County Offices (budget) (11), State of California (Miscellaneous, Home Rule) (34)
Attachments: 1. RES 24-151 Approving the Cost Sharing Agreement with the Town of Truckee and Friends of the Truckee Library for Multi-Jurisdictional Support and Funding, 2. Staff Report.JKAE and Cost Sharing Truckee Library, 3. Resolution Truckee Library Cost Sharing Agreement 4.2.pdf, 4. Library Phase I Cost Sharing Agreement
Related files: SR 24-0605


Resolution approving an agreement between the County of Nevada, Town of Truckee, and Friends of the Truckee Library regarding multi-jurisdictional support and funding for the Truckee Regional Library Project, to be in effect through June 30, 2029, authorizing the County Executive Officer to execute the agreement, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the fiscal year 2023/24 Capital Facilities budget. (4/5 Affirmative vote required)