File #: SR 18-0251   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Department: Clerk of the Board
Meeting Date: 3/27/2018
Legislative Title: Resolution amending Resolution 17-362 amending "Section 4. Membership" of Resolution 17-144 to remove alternate members and add two regular members (Ms. Nancy Peirce and Mr. Andrew Burton), to the Penn Valley Area Municipal Advisory Council.
Sponsors: Hank Weston, District IV
Indexes: Committees/Commissions (Officers, Misc.) (16)
Attachments: 1. RES 18-119 Penn Valley Area MAC Membership, 2. Staff Report Penn Valley Area MAC Membership, 3. Resolution Penn Valley Area MAC Membership, 4. 17-144, 5. 17-362
Related files: SR 17-0190


Resolution amending Resolution 17-362 amending "Section 4. Membership" of Resolution 17-144 to remove alternate members and add two regular members (Ms. Nancy Peirce and Mr. Andrew Burton), to the Penn Valley Area Municipal Advisory Council.