File #: SR 25-0118   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Department: Public Works
Meeting Date: 2/11/2025
Legislative Title: Resolution authorizing the Chair of the Board to sign the Invitation to Bid, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to solicit bids for the Combie Road Multi-Use Path, County Project No. 440844. (Dist. II)
Attachments: 1. RES 25-047 Invitation to Bid for Combie Road Multi-Use Path, 2. 0. Staff Memo - Invitation To Bid_Combie Road Multi-Use Path, 3. 1. Reso - Invitation To Bid_Combie Road Multi-Use Path, 4. 2. Combie Road Multi-use Path_Plans_FINAL, 5. 3. Combie Road Multi-Use Path_Specifications_FINAL


Resolution authorizing the Chair of the Board to sign the Invitation to Bid, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to solicit bids for the Combie Road Multi-Use Path, County Project No. 440844. (Dist. II)