Legislative Title:
Resolution approving Standard Agreement 16F-5544 between the County of Nevada and the State Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) for 2016 Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Targeted Initiative Funding, in the maximum amount of $17,000, for the period June 15, 2016 through December 31, 2016, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Agreement, and authorizing and directing the Auditor- Controller to amend the Health and Human Services Agency - Housing Division’s budget for Fiscal Year 2016/17. (Housing Division) (4/5 affirmative vote required)
Grants Approved and Accepted (64), Housing & Community Services/Housing Authority (58), Social Services, Dept. of (Adult & Family Services, Charities, Welfare/Agreements) (38), State of California (Miscellaneous, Home Rule) (34)