Closed Session
Closed Session
Legislative Title:
Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, County Counsel is requesting a closed session regarding real property negotiations. The negotiator for the County is Patrick Perkins, Nevada County Principal Civil Engineer, and Matt Griggs and Jason Andrews of Dokken Engineering.
The negotiator for APN 048-100-007, located at 10793 Hirschdale Road, Truckee, CA 96161, is property owner Jennifer Freeman.
The negotiator for the following APNs is attorney Greg Gatto: 048-240-006, located at 10681 Hirschdale Road, Truckee, CA 96161; 048-240-008, located at 16274 Hinton Rd / 11225 Hirschdale Road, Floriston, CA 96111; 048-100-012, located at 10909 Hirschdale Road, Truckee, CA 96161; and 048-120-043, located at 10862 Hirschdale Road, Truckee, CA 96161.
Items under negotiation concern the price and terms of payment and the property interest to be obtained for Temporary Construction Easements. (Pulled from the agenda.)
Closed Sessions (33), Dept. of Public Works (Dept. of Transportation) (Engineering) (5)
Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, County Counsel is requesting a closed session regarding real property negotiations. The negotiator for the County is Patrick Perkins, Nevada County Principal Civil Engineer, and Matt Griggs and Jason Andrews of Dokken Engineering.
The negotiator for APN 048-100-007, located at 10793 Hirschdale Road, Truckee, CA 96161, is property owner Jennifer Freeman.
The negotiator for the following APNs is attorney Greg Gatto: 048-240-006, located at 10681 Hirschdale Road, Truckee, CA 96161; 048-240-008, located at 16274 Hinton Rd / 11225 Hirschdale Road, Floriston, CA 96111; 048-100-012, located at 10909 Hirschdale Road, Truckee, CA 96161; and 048-120-043, located at 10862 Hirschdale Road, Truckee, CA 96161.
Items under negotiation concern the price and terms of payment and the property interest to be obtained for Temporary Construction Easements. (Pulled from the agenda.)