File #: SR 23-5011   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Department: Planning Department
Meeting Date: 12/14/2023
Legislative Title: Public Hearing to consider the Idaho-Maryland Mine Vested Right Petition dated September 1, 2023 prepared by Braiden Chadwick and Ryan W. Thomason of Mitchell Chadwick, LLP, on behalf of Joseph Mullin, Rise Grass Valley, Inc. (“Petitioner”) for a formal determination by the County of Nevada (“County”) concerning the existence and scope of vested mining rights to mine the 175.64-acre “Idaho Maryland Mine”(“Petition”) comprised of the 119-acre Brunswick Industrial Site Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs): 006-441-003, 006-441-004, 006-441-005, 006-441-034, 009-630-037, 009-630-039 (“Brunswick”); and the Centennial Industrial Site APNs: 009-550-032, 009-550-037, 009-550-038, 009-550-039, and 009-560-036 (“Centennial”) (collectively, the “Subject Property”). Resolution finding that petitioner failed to present sufficient evidence to support the finding of a vested right or to determine the scope of a vested right; mining operations were abandoned at the Subject Property as early as 1956; and...
Attachments: 1. RES 23-619 Resolution finding that mining operations were abandoned as early as 1956 and neither the petitioner nor any other party has vested right to mine at the 175.64- acre subject property, 2. 1. Nevada County Notice of Staff Report Publication, 3. 2. Staff Report, 4. 3. Staff Report Attachment 1 - Resolution Idaho-Maryland Mine Vested Right Petition, 5. 4. Staff Report Attachment 2: Vested Right Petition, 6. 5. Staff Report Attachment 3: Nevada County Responses to Facts and Evidence in the Vested Rights Petition (w- County exhibits), 7. 6. Supplemental Staff Report (w-Attachments), 8. Petitioner's Vested Right Petition Sept 1 2023, 9. Petitioner's Vested Right Petition Appendix A-F, 10. Petitioner's Vested Right Petition Exhibits 1-429, 11. Petitioner’s letter regarding Rise Grass Valley Inc. Idaho Maryland Mine Project, Notice of Vested Right Petition (Mitchell Chadwick), 12. Petitioner’s letter regarding Idaho-Maryland Mine Vested Right Petition (Cooper and Kirk, October 23, 2023), 13. Petitioner’s Reply to Community Environmental Advocates Foundation and Correction to the Record (Mitchell Chadwick), 14. Petitioner’s letter regarding Idaho-Maryland Mine Vested Right Petition (Cooper & Kirk, November 17, 2023), 15. Petitioner’s letter regarding Idaho-Maryland Mine Vested Right Petition (Cooper and Kirk, December 8, 2023), 16. Petitioner’s letter regarding Attorney of Record for Rise Grass Valley, LLC (Christopher Powell), 17. Petitioner's letter regarding recusal (Hanson Bridgett LLP), 18. Petitioner's 12.10.2023 Rise Mining Letter to Nevada County Board of Supervisors in Response to Board Agenda Memorandum, 19. Petitioner's Exhibit A - Counter Response and Appendix to 12.10.2023 Rise Mining Letter to Nevada County Board of Supervisors in Response to Board Agenda Memorandum, 20. Petitioner's Exhibit B - Rise Timeline to 12.10.2023 Rise Mining Letter to Nevada County Board of Supervisors in Response to Board Agenda Memorandum, 21. Petitioner's Exhibit C - Other Historical Documents - pages 1-100 to 12.10.2023 Rise Mining Letter to Nevada County Board of Supervisors in Response to Board Agenda Memorandum, 22. Petitioner's Exhibit C - Other Historical Documents - pages 101-215 to 12.10.2023 Rise Mining Letter to Nevada County Board of Supervisors in Response to Board Agenda Memorandum, 23. Petitioner's 2022.12.12 CK Ltr re Vested Right Hearing FINAL, 24. Petitioner X - Historic Aerial Photos - Brunswick site, 25. Petitioner X - Historic Aerial Photos - Centennial site, 26. Petitioner NE 2025 - 2010_BOS_Minutes (Blue Lead VR appeal), 27. Extra Exhibits Vested Rights From Other Counties, 28. Vested Rights Public Comment 1-redacted, 29. Vested Rights Public Comment 2-redacted, 30. Vested Rights Public Comment 3-redacted, 31. Vested Rights Public Comment 4-redacted, 32. vested Rights Public Comment 5-redacted, 33. Vested Rights Public Comment - Community Environmental Advocates Foundation, 34. Vested Rights Public Comment - 11-14-23 IMM-#2-Ev objection EX rebuttals WITH COVER LETTER, 35. Vested Rights Public Comment - IMM_ 11-22 final Status Cf Petition, 36. Vested Rights Public Comment - IMM -pdf EV Obj Part 2 12-5-23, 37. Vested Rights Public Comment - IMMM-121223 Vested Objwater FINAL, 38. 2023-12-05 - Vested Rights Presentation FINAL, 39. Rise Vested Rights Powerpoint, 40. Notice of Public Hearing, 41. 12-13-23 Signed - Notice of Adjournment, 42. SR 23-5010 Revised 12-14-23 Res-Idaho-Maryland Mine Vested Right Petition - (clean), 43. Red-lined Resolution Revised 12-14-23 Idaho-Maryland Mine Vested Right Petition, 44. SR 23-5010 Revised Res-Idaho-Maryland Mine Vested Right Petition - (redline), 45. SR 23-5010 Res-Idaho-Maryland Mine Vested Right Petition - (redline), 46. SR 23-5010 Res-Idaho-Maryland Mine Vested Right Petition - (clean)


Public Hearing to consider the Idaho-Maryland Mine Vested Right Petition dated September 1, 2023 prepared by Braiden Chadwick and Ryan W. Thomason of Mitchell Chadwick, LLP, on behalf of Joseph Mullin, Rise Grass Valley, Inc. (“Petitioner”) for a formal determination by the County of Nevada (“County”) concerning the existence and scope of vested mining rights to mine the 175.64-acre “Idaho Maryland Mine”(“Petition”) comprised of the 119-acre Brunswick Industrial Site Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs): 006-441-003, 006-441-004, 006-441-005, 006-441-034, 009-630-037, 009-630-039 (“Brunswick”); and the Centennial Industrial Site APNs: 009-550-032, 009-550-037, 009-550-038, 009-550-039, and 009-560-036 (“Centennial”) (collectively, the “Subject Property”).


Resolution finding that petitioner failed to present sufficient evidence to support the finding of a vested right or to determine the scope of a vested right; mining operations were abandoned at the Subject Property as early as 1956; and neither the petitioner nor any other party has a vested right to mine at the 175.64-acre Subject Property comprised of the Brunswick Industrial Site assessor's parcel numbers: 006-441-003, 006-441-004, 006-441-005, 006-441-034, 009-630-037, 009-630-039; and the Centennial Industrial Site assessor's parcel numbers: 009-550-032, 009-550-037, 009-550-038, 009-550-039, AND 009-560-036, and finding the action statutorily exempt from CEQA.