File #: SR 17-0800   
Type: Report Status: Filed
Department: Public Works
Meeting Date: 11/7/2017
Legislative Title: Acceptance of the Annual Report on Transportation Mitigation Fees - Fiscal Year 2016/17.
Indexes: Dept. of Public Works (Dept. of Transportation) (Engineering) (5), Fees (36)
Attachments: 1. Staff Memo - MitigationFee-FY16-17, 2. ExhibitA_MitFeeSummary FY1617, 3. Exhibit B Current Fee Schedule, 4. Exhibit B Truckee Traffic Impact Fees, 5. Exhibit C LTMF Projects, 6. Exhibit D RTMF Projects


Acceptance of the Annual Report on Transportation Mitigation Fees - Fiscal Year 2016/17.