File #: SR 18-0244   
Type: Appointment/Resignation Status: Filed
Department: Clerk of the Board
Meeting Date: 3/27/2018
Legislative Title: Reappointments of Ms. Pam Stone as the Equine Industry representative, and Mr. Brad Fowler as the Livestock Other Than Cattle and Equine Industry representative, to the Agricultural Advisory Commission, for unexpired four-year terms ending March 1, 2022.
Indexes: Agricultural Commissioner (Ag Extension Services, Farm Advisor) (14), Committees/Commissions (Officers, Misc.) (16)
Attachments: 1. Staff Memo AAC, 2. AAC Committee Listing, 3. Public Vacancies List, 4. App Pam Stone 3-8-18_Redacted, 5. App Brad Fowler 2-23-18_Redacted


Reappointments of Ms. Pam Stone as the Equine Industry representative, and Mr. Brad Fowler as the Livestock Other Than Cattle and Equine Industry representative, to the Agricultural Advisory Commission, for unexpired four-year terms ending March 1, 2022.