File #: SR 18-1077   
Type: Sanitation Resolution Status: Passed
Department: Board of Directors of the Nevada County Sanitation District No. 1.
Meeting Date: 12/11/2018
Legislative Title: Resolution approving Amendment 1 to the contract between the Nevada County Sanitation District No.1 and Coastland Civil Engineering, Inc. for design and project management services for the Cascade Shores Community Leach Field Project (Res. SD17-018), extending the contract termination date to December 31, 2019, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Directors to execute the Amendment. (Sanitation) (Dist. I) (Pulled from consent by Supervisor Hall)
Attachments: 1. RES SD18-012 Coastland Civil Engineering, Inc. Amend. 1, 2. Staff Report Memo Amendment No. 1 Coastland Engineering Cascade Shores C.._ 12.11.pdf, 3. Resolution Amendment 1 Coastland Cascade Shores 12.11.pdf, 4. Amendment No. 1 Coastland Engineering Cascade Shores Community Leach Fie.._.pdf, 5. Constituent Letter, 6. 2018.09.11 Letter to Nevada County Board of Supervisors, 7. 2017.03.16 H&K Report, 8. 2009.12.23 Calif Geological Hazard Notice Smectite Clay, 9. XRD Report Nevada City Soils July 2018 v2, 10. 5002.00 Updated Recon Map_4_19_18, 11. Informational Memo Amendment No. 1 Coastland, 12. Informational Memo Attachment
Related files: SR 17-0860


Resolution approving Amendment 1 to the contract between the Nevada County Sanitation District No.1 and Coastland Civil Engineering, Inc. for design and project management services for the Cascade Shores Community Leach Field Project (Res. SD17-018), extending the contract termination date to December 31, 2019, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Directors to execute the Amendment. (Sanitation) (Dist. I) (Pulled from consent by Supervisor Hall)