File #: SR 20-0137   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Department: Behavioral Health
Meeting Date: 1/14/2020
Legislative Title: Resolution approving Amendment 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Gateway Mountain Center for the provision of specialty mental health services primarily targeted for emotionally disturbed youth (Res. 19-470), amending Exhibit “A” Schedule of Services to include additional reporting and training requirements pertaining to mandated reporting of child and dependent adult abuse/neglect, incident/complaint and investigation reporting requirements and procedures, and background check procedures on employees and others having contact with youth under the agreement, for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment. (Pulled from consent by Mr. Matthew Coulter, District I resident)
Indexes: Agreements (Contracts & Leases, etc.) (45), Behavioral Health/Mental Health Agreements (12)
Attachments: 1. RES 20-005 Amendment to Contract with Gateway Mountain Center for Specialty Mental Health Services for Emotionally Disturbed Youth, 2. Staff Report - Gateway Mountain Center FY 19-20 Amendment No.pdf, 3. Resolution - Gateway Mountain Center FY 19-20 Amendment No.pdf, 4. Amendment No. 1 - Gateway Mountain Center FY 19-20 Amendment No. 1
Related files: SR 19-0787


Resolution approving Amendment 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Gateway Mountain Center for the provision of specialty mental health services primarily targeted for emotionally disturbed youth (Res. 19-470), amending Exhibit “A” Schedule of Services to include additional reporting and training requirements pertaining to mandated reporting of child and dependent adult abuse/neglect, incident/complaint and investigation reporting requirements and procedures, and background check procedures on employees and others having contact with youth under the agreement, for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment. (Pulled from consent by Mr. Matthew Coulter, District I resident)