File #: SR 21-0245   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Department: Clerk of the Board
Meeting Date: 4/13/2021
Legislative Title: Resolution amending Section 4. Membership of Resolution 21-035 creating and establishing the South County Area Municipal Advisory Council to include two (2) alternate members, and to acknowledge District II Supervisor Ed Scofield’s appointment to the South County Area Municipal Advisory Council of nine (9) regular members and two (2) alternate members. Regular members: Vickie Hawkins, MaryJane Huenergardt, Brian Hamilton, James Mathias, Tony Gosalvez, Sandy “Jake” Jacobson, Erin Sullivan, Jon Shilling, and William Checkvala. Alternate members: Gloria Siegle and Dallan Packard.
Indexes: Board of Supervisors (Election, Committee Appointments) (22), Committees/Commissions (Officers, Misc.) (16), Planning Agency (Board of Zoning Admin, Subdivisions, etc.) (46)
Attachments: 1. RES 21-112 Amending Membership of Resolution 21-035 and Acknowledging Appointments to SCAMAC, 2. Staff Report_South County MAC Membership, 3. Resolution_21-035_Redlined, 4. RES 21-035 Establish South County Area Municipal Advisory Council (MAC)
Related files: SR 21-0087


Resolution amending Section 4. Membership of Resolution 21-035 creating and establishing the South County Area Municipal Advisory Council to include two (2) alternate members, and to acknowledge District II Supervisor Ed Scofield’s appointment to the South County Area Municipal Advisory Council of nine (9) regular members and two (2) alternate members.

Regular members: Vickie Hawkins, MaryJane Huenergardt, Brian Hamilton, James Mathias, Tony Gosalvez, Sandy “Jake” Jacobson, Erin Sullivan, Jon Shilling, and William Checkvala. Alternate members: Gloria Siegle and Dallan Packard.