File #: SR 23-0439   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Department: Emergency Services
Meeting Date: 3/14/2023
Legislative Title: Resolution approving Amendment 3 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Fire Safe Council of Nevada County for HMGP DR-4344-703-150R, "Nevada County Access and Functional Needs Program, Phase 1" (Res. 22-125), increasing the contract performance period termination date from February 28, 2023 to March 28, 2023, and authorizing the Chair of the Board to execute the amendment.
Indexes: Agreements (Contracts & Leases, etc.) (45), Emergency Services, Office of (59)
Attachments: 1. RES 23-116 Approving Amendment No. 3 to Contract with Fire Safe Council of Nevada County for Program HMGP DR-4334-703-150R, 2. Staff Memo Amendment 3 to Fire Safe Council Contract DR-4344, 3. Resolution Approving FSC Contract Amendment 3 for DR 4344, 4. Amendment 3 to Fire Safe Council HMGP DR-4344 Contract, 5. Supporting Document RES 23-028 Amendment 2 to Contact with Fire Safe Council, 6. Supporting Document RES 22-410 Amendment 1 to Contract with the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County for the Nevada County Access and Functional Needs Program, 7. Supporting Document RES 22-125 Contract with Fire Safe Council for Nevada County Access and Functional Needs Program Phase 1
Related files: SR 22-0245


Resolution approving Amendment 3 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Fire Safe Council of Nevada County for HMGP DR-4344-703-150R, "Nevada County Access and Functional Needs Program, Phase 1" (Res. 22-125), increasing the contract performance period termination date from February 28, 2023 to March 28, 2023, and authorizing the Chair of the Board to execute the amendment.