SR 21-0068
| 1. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign Parcel Map No. 19PLN-48 “Brunswick Commons” as a representative of the property owner, County of Nevada, with the signed original Map to be forwarded to the City of Grass Valley Community Development Department for final processing and recordation. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0078
| 2. | Resolution | Resolution accepting Grant Award XC20030290 from the California Office of Emergency Services for the Nevada County Victim Witness Services Program, in the amount of $148,026, for the period of January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, and authorizing the District Attorney to execute the agreement. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0097
| 3. | Approval | Notifying the California Schools Cash Reserve Program Authority that the County of Nevada will not be issuing a Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note (TRAN) in the name of Grass Valley School District and that the District can issue a TRAN on their own behalf, and authorizing the Clerk of the Board to sign the attached Notice. | Approved. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0080
| 4. | Resolution | Resolution granting a one-year extension for Commercial Rafting permits RAF19-0001, RAF19-0002, RAF19-0003, and RAF19-0004, allowing the commercial river rafting companies to operate for the 2021 season under the terms and conditions of the approved 2019 Use Permits to assist in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and extreme fire season restrictions. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0091
| 5. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing Environmental Clearance for the 2021 Road Rehabilitation Project, and authorizing the Director of the Department of Public Works to file a notice of Exemption with the Nevada County Clerk-Recorder's office. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0090
| 6. | Resolution | Resolution awarding and approving a contract between the County of Nevada and McKellar Tree Service and Logging, Inc. for the Egress/Ingress Fire Safety Project (Res. 20-490), in the amount of $606,000.01 plus a ten percent contingency, for a grand total of $666,600.01, scheduled to begin in February/March 2021 and to be completed by March 31, 2022, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2020/21 budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) (All Dists.) (Bullock - Recused) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0013
| 7. | Resolution | Resolution approving County of Nevada Transit Services Division as a Sub-Grantee in the application for an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2019-20 Targeted Airshed Grant (EPA-OAR-OAQPS-20-01) for the purchase of two 35-foot Low-floor Battery Electric Zero Emission Transit Buses, depot slow charger, on-route fast charger, and associated implementation costs, in the amount of $2,460,653. (Transit) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0089
| 8. | Resolution | Resolution declaring certain County property as surplus and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to sell, or otherwise dispose of, those certain items of surplus property listed on Exhibit A as "Assets to be Sold or Recycled." (4/5 affirmative vote required) (Purchasing) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0110
| 9. | Appointment/Resignation | Affirm the appointment of Supervisor Susan Hoek to the Regional Housing Authority. | Appointed. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0109
| 10. | Appointment/Resignation | Approve the appointments of Mr. Sam Sebastian and Ms. Suzanne Nobles as members to Mental Health and Substance Use Advisory Board for unexpired three-year terms ending June 30, 2022, and June 30, 2021, respectively. | Appointed. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0121
| | Public Comment | Chair Miller introduced public comment and the following members of the public provided comments: Mr. Dennis Mackenzie, District 3; Mr. Chad Dugas, District 1; Ms. Tina King, District 3; Ms. Maria Byers-Ramos, District 3; Mr. Ray Byers, District 3; Ms. Penelope Sullivan, County resident; Mr. Matt Trillia, District 5; Mr. Thomas Connelly, non-resident; Mr. Ken Paige, District 2; Mr. Tyler Stewart, District 3; Mr. Sumner Stewart, County resident; Mr. Kim Miller, District 4; Ms. Anna Gloria, District 1; Mr. Kirk Farris, District 3; Mr. Robin and Ms. Lisa Buckman, District 3; Ms. Reinette Senum, District 1; Ms. Marisol, County resident; Ms. Joy Brann, District 1; Ms. Maxine, County resident; Mr. Sergio Martignago, District 3; Ms. Yelena Martignago, District 3; Mr. Justin Yarborough, County resident; Mr. Matthew Coulter, District 3; Mr. Chris Hall, District 1; Ms. Lisa Shippers, County resident; and Mr. Nathaniel Tamian(?), District 1.
Ms. Julie Patterson Hunter, Clerk of the Board, reported that 24 emails were received in support of local businesses, and 1 email was received in opposit | | |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0029
| 11. | Resolution | Resolution proclaiming February 11, 2021 as “211 Day” in Nevada County, California. | Adopted. | Pass |
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SR 21-0087
| 12. | Resolution | Resolution to create and establish the South County Area Municipal Advisory Council with an effective date of March 1, 2021 that shall sunset and dissolve upon the adoption of the updated Nevada County Higgins Area Plan, and ratifying the Bylaws of the South County Area Municipal Advisory Council. (Dist. II) | Adopted as amended. | Pass |
Action details
SR 21-007
| 13. | Agenda Item | Request to: 1) receive presentation on redrawing supervisorial districts for the 2021 redistricting process; and 2) provide direction regarding the Board’s preferred methodology for the 2021 redistricting process. | Approved. | Pass |
Action details
SR 21-007
| 13. | Agenda Item | Request to: 1) receive presentation on redrawing supervisorial districts for the 2021 redistricting process; and 2) provide direction regarding the Board’s preferred methodology for the 2021 redistricting process. | Approved. | Pass |
Action details