SR 21-0205
| 1. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Aegis Treatment Centers, LLC for the provision of a Drug Medi-Cal Outpatient Narcotic Treatment Program for referred clients of the Nevada County Behavioral Health Department (Res. 20-216), increasing the maximum contract amount from $399,750 to $545,000, for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Behavioral Health Department budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
SR 21-0207
| 2. | Resolution | Resolution accepting funds in the amount of $189,613.89 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, administered by the Board of State and Community Corrections for the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2020/21, authorizing the County Executive Officer to execute necessary documents in connection with this award, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Behavioral Health Department budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0166
| 3. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 2 to Standard Agreement 17-10335 between the County of Nevada and the California Department of Public Health pertaining to funding local Immunization Program services (Res. 18-071), replacing Exhibit “B”, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions, amending the total maximum amount payable from $228,605 to $280,541 to enhance efforts around influenza vaccination coverage as well as perform Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination planning and implementation, for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2022, authorizing the Nevada County Public Health Director to execute the Amendment, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Public Health Department budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0171
| 4. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 3 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Glennah Trochet, M.D. pertaining to Interim Public Health Officer duties as required by the Nevada County Public Health Department during absences or unavailability of the County Public Health Officer (Res. 20-473), increasing the hourly rate from $145 to $150 to match the Public Health Officer’s hourly rate, effective March 1, 2021, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0219
| 5. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Nevada County Superintendent of Schools for the provision of Transitional Housing Program Plus services for eligible foster care youth (Res. 19-271), increasing the maximum contract amount from $300,000 to $313,915 for Fiscal Year 2020/21, revising Exhibit “A” Schedule of Services to include the Housing Navigator Program and the Transitional Housing Program and Exhibit "B" Schedule of Charges and Payments to reflect the increase in the maximum contract price, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0214
| 6. | Resolution | Resolution approving contracts between the County of Nevada and Gold Country Senior Services, Bright Futures for Youth, Interfaith Food Ministries, and the Food Bank of Nevada County, for the provision of State Department of Community Services and Development, Community Services Block Grant CARES Act funding for services to low-income individuals and families impacted by the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, in the maximum amount of $50,000 for each contractor for a total amount of $200,000, for the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contracts. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0180
| 7. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign LD#2116-08-10045 Easement Deed agreement allowing Pacific Gas and Electric easement rights on a certain portion of land located at 936 Old Tunnel Rd, Grass Valley, CA 95945 (APN 035-400-054) to provide access to the property for the maintenance of electric power to the property. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0223
| 8. | Resolution | Resolution approving an application for funding in the aggregate amount not to exceed $850,000 in Housing Program housing rehabilitation and homebuyer assistance, and authorizing the Director of Health and Human Services to execute a grant agreement and any amendments thereto for the 2020-2021 funding year of the California Department of Housing and Community Development, Community Development Block Grant Program. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0221
| 9. | Resolution | Resolution approving an application for funding in the amount of $700,000 for Homeless Facilities - Homekey Project activities, and authorizing the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency to execute the grant agreement and any amendments thereto for the California Department of Housing and Community Development, 2020 Community Development Block Grant Program, Coronavirus Response Round 2 and 3 (CDBG-CV2 and CV3) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), dated December 18, 2020. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0172
| 10. | Resolution | Resolution approving an amendment to the 2020 Community Development Block Grant Program-Coronavirus Response Round 1 (CDBG-CV1) Standard Agreement (Res. 21-003), requesting additional funds in the amount of $235,690 from the 2020 Community Development Block Grant Program-Coronavirus Response Round 2 and 3 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) dated December 18, 2020, and authorizing the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency to execute the application, and if approved, the amendment to the agreement. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0217
| 11. | Resolution | Resolution approving participation in the Indigent Defense Grant Program administered by the Board of State and Community Corrections, for receipt of $323,400 in grant funds, authorizing the Director of Health and Human Services to sign the Grant Agreement on behalf of the Nevada County Public Defender’s Office, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Public Defender budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0254
| 12. | Resolution | Resolution approving the Nevada County Transportation Commission’s Fiscal Year 2021/22 Overall Work Program. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0251
| 13. | Approval | Acceptance of the Annual Report on Transportation Mitigation Fees for Fiscal Years 2018/19 and 2019/20. | Accepted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0255
| 14. | Resolution | Resolution accepting the Notice of Acceptance and Completion of the contract between the County of Nevada and Truesdell Corporation of California, Inc. for the 2020 High Friction Surface Treatment Project - Federal Contract No. HSIPL 05917(103), County Project No. 225034 (Res. 20-308), with contact costs totaling $813,619.18, and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to record this Notice in accordance with Civil Code section 9208. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0252
| 15. | Resolution | Resolution approving an increase of funding in the amount of $36,250 for Federal Aid Project Number 05917(079), Soda Springs Road Over South Yuba River Bridge Replacement Project, County Project No. 224023 (Res. 19-574). (Dist. V) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0256
| 16. | Resolution | Resolution awarding and approving a contract between the County of Nevada and Bennett Engineering Services, Inc. to provide on-call engineering design services for various projects, in an amount not to exceed $250,000 for the period April 13, 2021 through April 13, 2026, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0257
| 17. | Resolution | Resolution awarding and approving a contract between the County of Nevada and Dokken Engineering, Inc. to provide on-call engineering design services for various projects, in an amount not to exceed $250,000 for the period April 13, 2021 through April 13, 2026, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0258
| 18. | Resolution | Resolution awarding and approving a contract between the County of Nevada and Nichols Consulting Engineers, Chtd. to provide on-call engineering design services for various projects, in an amount not to exceed $250,000, for the period April 13, 2021 though April 13, 2026, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0222
| 19. | Resolution | Resolution awarding and approving a contract between the County of Nevada and Granite Construction Company for the Soda Springs Road over South Yuba River Bridge Replacement Project - HBP 05917(079) - County Project 224023, in the amount of $1,535,535 plus a contingency of $69,735, for a total amount of $1,605,270, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. (Dist. V) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0259
| 20. | Resolution | Resolution approving Standard Agreement 64AC19-01157 between the County of Nevada and the State of California Department of Transportation, accepting the award of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 (49 U.S.C. Section 5310) Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Capital Grant funds for the purchase of five Paratransit vehicles, in the amount of $300,700, for the period November 1, 2020 through November 30, 2027, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Agreement. (Transit) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0260
| 21. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the purchase of capital assets of one (1) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessible Class B Cutaway and four (4) ADA Accessible Class V Transit Vans for use in ADA Paratransit and Senior Dial-A-Ride Service, in the amount of $349,148, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Transit Services Division budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) (Transit) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0261
| 22. | Resolution | Resolution approving the County of Nevada, Department of Public Works, Transit Services Division, Title VI Program and Language Assistance Plan 2021/22 Updated, and authorizing the Director of the Nevada County Public Works Department to execute all documents necessary for implementation of the updated Transit Services Division Title VI Program. (Transit) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0020
| 23. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 2 to the Site Lease Agreement between the County of Nevada and T-Mobile West, LLC, for tower rental located at 980 Helling Way, Nevada City for additional rental space for installation of a power generator (Res. 11-119), with rent increasing by $400 per month, effective the date of execution by the last party to sign the Amendment, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment, and authorizing the Director of Facilities Management to execute applications and documents related to the installation of the generator. (Facilities) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0229
| 24. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 1 to the Administrative Services Agreement between the County of Nevada and Basic Pacific to provide third-party pre-tax benefit administration and COBRA administration for dental and vision benefits on behalf of the County's health and welfare plan broker, Keenan & Associates (Res. 20-263), adding the administration of Retiree dental and vision benefits, for the period June 9, 2020 through December 31, 2021, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0241
| 25. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing an Educational Internship Program, which provides a maximum $599 stipend per student per calendar year. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0238
| 26. | Resolution | Resolution amending the Nevada County Personnel Code, effective April 14, 2021. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0267
| 27. | Agenda Item | Acceptance of the Countywide Audit for Fiscal Year 2019 /2020 prepared by the firm CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP. | Approved. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0245
| 28. | Resolution | Resolution amending Section 4. Membership of Resolution 21-035 creating and establishing the South County Area Municipal Advisory Council to include two (2) alternate members, and to acknowledge District II Supervisor Ed Scofield’s appointment to the South County Area Municipal Advisory Council of nine (9) regular members and two (2) alternate members.
Regular members: Vickie Hawkins, MaryJane Huenergardt, Brian Hamilton, James Mathias, Tony Gosalvez, Sandy “Jake” Jacobson, Erin Sullivan, Jon Shilling, and William Checkvala. Alternate members: Gloria Siegle and Dallan Packard. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0237
| 29. | Resolution | Resolution appointing Board of Supervisors Successors in a Declared Emergency. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0269
| 30. | Appointment/Resignation | Reappointments of Joel Radtke and Dena Malakian as Low-Income Sector members, and Lindy Beatie as Public Sector member, to the Adult and Family Services Commission, for two-year terms ending April 30, 2023. | Reappointed. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0231
| 31. | Appointment/Resignation | Appointments of Alyssa Mayo as Equine Industry member to fill an unexpired term ending March 1, 2022, and Alex Szabo as Viticulture Industry member to fill an unexpired term ending March 1, 2024, to the Agricultural Advisory Commission. | Appointed. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0270
| 32. | Appointment/Resignation | Reappointment of Ruth Hall to the Citizens' Oversight Committee of the Nevada County Library, for a four-year term ending March 31, 2025. | Reappointed. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0228
| 33. | Appointment/Resignation | Acceptance of resignations from Sarah Holyhead and Gary Brown as Citizen-at-Large representatives, and Erika Seward as Local Business Representative on the Solid and Hazardous Waste Commission. | Accepted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0236
| 34. | Minutes | Acceptance of Board of Supervisors summary minutes for March 23, 2021. | Accepted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0249
| 35. | Presentation | Nevada Joint Union High School District's Yearly Update: The 2020/21 School Year and Beyond. (NJUHSD Superintendent Brent W. McFadden) | Presentation provided. | |
Action details
SR 21-0244
| 36. | Resolution | Resolution proclaiming April 2021, and every April thereafter, as Arts, Culture, and Creativity Month in Nevada County in coordination with California’s designation per Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 33. (Eliza Tudor, Executive Director, Arts Collaborative of Nevada County) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
SR 21-0273
| | Report | Chair Miller introduced public comment and reviewed the process for the public to provide comments before the Board of Supervisors.
Following a short break, the following members of the public provided comments: Suzie; Penelope Sullivan, District I; Stacey Salvato, District IV Joy Brann, District I; Weldon Travis, District IV; Camille; Mariam Seyle, District II; Cheryl Brook(?), District IV; Wade Laughter, District I; Ken Paige, District II; David Pourier(?); Reinette Senum, District I; Michael Jay, District I; Kirsten Rushitoff(?), District IV; Susan Frisbie, District I; Anna Gloria, District I; Sophia Tracey; Jacquelyn Mattoon, District IV; and William Mattoon, District IV.
There being no further public comment, Chair Miller closed the opportunity for public comment. | | |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0176
| 37a. | Resolution | Resolution accepting funding award from the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s Local Housing Trust Fund Program in the amount of $1,345,692 for Fiscal Year 2020/21 to be used for housing related projects, and directing the Auditor-Controller to release General Fund unassigned fund balance and to amend the Fiscal Year 2020/21 General Fund and Housing and Community Services Division’s Regional Housing Project budgets. (4/5 affirmative vote required) (Housing) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
SR 21-0175
| 37b. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing a loan to Affordable Housing Development Corporation through Nevada City Cashin’s Field, a Limited Partnership, in the amount of $1,575,000 to be used for Cashin’s Field, a 51-unit low-income multi-family housing project, authorizing the Health and Human Services Agency Director to sign the loan documents and amendments to the Loan Agreement or other documents necessary to complete the loan transaction, and directing the Auditor-Controller to make temporary cash advances from the County's General Fund to the Western Nevada County Regional Trust Fund for the purpose of paying invoices related to this loan. (Housing) | Adopted. | Pass |
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SR 21-0213
| 38. | Resolution | Resolution proclaiming April 18-24, 2021 as National Crime Victims' Rights Week in Nevada County. | Adopted. | Pass |
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SR 21-0242
| 39. | Resolution | Authorization of the process to appoint a District Attorney to fill the vacancy for the remaining term due to District Attorney Clifford Newell retiring. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
SR 21-0230
| 40a. | Ordinance | (Introduce/Waive further reading) An Ordinance amending Section A-II 42.9.1 and Section A-II 42.9.2 of Chapter II of the Nevada County Administrative Code, pertaining to the composition of the Nevada County Agricultural Advisory Commission and Ex Officio Members. | First reading held. | Pass |
Action details
SR 21-0272
| 40b. | Approval | Ratify the revised bylaws of the Nevada County Agricultural Advisory Commission. | Approved. | |
Action details
Not available
SR 21-0250
| | Closed Session | Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2), County Counsel is requesting a closed session with the Board of Supervisors to discuss one matter in which there is a significant threat of litigation against the County. | | |
Action details
SR 21-0271
| | Closed Session | Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), County Counsel is requesting a closed session to discuss the following existing litigation case: Evans, et al. v. County of Nevada, Nevada County Superior Court Case No. CU15-081064. | | |
Action details
SR 21-0266
| 41. | Ordinance | (Introduce/Waive further reading) An Ordinance amending Chapter II of Title 3 of the Nevada County Land Use and Development Code regarding Administrative Enforcement and Cannabis Cultivation. | First reading held. | Pass |
Action details
SR 21-0263
| 42. | Resolution | Resolution approving the contract between the County of Nevada and Fire Safe Council of Nevada County pertaining to free residential green waste disposal for wildfire mitigation, in the total amount of $124,243.76, for the period April 13, 2021 through July 16, 2021, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Office of Emergency Services budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) (Emergency Services) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
SR 21-0194
| 43. | Resolution | Resolution approving the allocation of funding, the submittal of applications for funding, authorizing the Information and General Services Agency Director/Director of Emergency Services, or County Executive Officer to enter into and execute agreements and any amendments thereto, from the Community Development Block Grant 2017 Mitigation Resilient Infrastructure Program allocation for the County of Nevada, up to the amount of $3,159,981. (Emergency Services) | Adopted. | |
Action details