Meeting date/time:
9:00 AM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
Board Chamber, First Floor
Eric Rood Administrative Center
950 Maidu Avenue, Suite 200
Nevada City, California
SR 23-1270
| | Public Comment | Public comment received. | | |
Action details
SR 23-0566
| 1. | Resolution | Resolution approving a renewal contract between the County of Nevada and Bright Futures for Youth for services related to operation of a youth hub and summer day camp, in the maximum amount of $55,000, for the period May 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. (District 5 - recused) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-0371
| 2. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and GHC of Auburn, LLC dba Siena Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center for mental health services (PESQ4668), increasing the maximum contract price from $50,000 to $577,095, revising Exhibit “B”, Schedule of Charges and Payments to reflect the increase in the maximum contract price and term extension to June 30, 2024, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Behavioral Health budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-0268
| 3. | Resolution | Resolution approving a renewal contract between the County of Nevada and Nevada-Sierra Connecting Point Public Authority to operate a Market Match Program at Farmers’ Markets in Nevada County, in the maximum amount of $81,811, for the period May 1, 2023 through February 28, 2024, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-0920
| 4. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 2 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Common Goals, Inc. for the provision of drug testing and alcohol/drug treatment services for Child Welfare Services (Res. 21-325), increasing the maximum contract price from $250,000 to $280,000, not to exceed $160,000 for Fiscal Year 2021/22 and $120,000 for Fiscal Year 2022/23, amending Exhibit “B” Schedule of Charges and Payments to reflect the increase in the maximum contract price, for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-0266
| 5. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 02 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Wallis Design Studio Architects, Inc. for architectural design services for the Ranch House Project (Res. 21-052), increasing the contract price from $124,227 to $159,107, revising Exhibit “A,” Schedule of Services to include subsequent planning and entitlement services and Exhibit “B,” Schedule of Charges and Payments to reflect the increase in the maximum contract price and expiration date, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment. (Housing) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-0586
| 6. | Resolution | Resolution approving a contract between the County of Nevada and AMI Housing dba North Tahoe-Truckee Homeless Services for the provision of a temporary emergency shelter during cold and extreme weather events for homeless residents in the North Tahoe-Truckee area, in the maximum amount of $60,000, for the period of March 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. (Housing) (Dist. V) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-0745
| 7. | Resolution | Resolution approving a contract between the County of Nevada and Homeless Resource Council of the Sierras to administer Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention youth set aside funds in the amount of $185,409.50 to support services for homeless youth, for the period April 18, 2023 through June 30, 2026, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Housing and Community Services’ budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) (Housing) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-0962
| 8. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Nevada County Sheriff to submit an application to the California Department of Parks and Recreation for Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) grant funding in the requested amount of $107,091, for Fiscal Year 2023/24. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-0396
| 9. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the purchase of two capital assets for the Wayne Brown Corrections Facility kitchen, a Tray Make-Up Conveyor ($37,267.46) and an Ice Maker ($8,190.43), for a combined total of $45,457.89, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Sheriff's Office budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-0961
| 10. | Resolution | Resolution approving a contract between the County of Nevada and Be Change LLC dba Nimbl Vehicles pertaining to the purchase and installation of specialty equipment on Sheriff's Critical Incident Negotiations Team Sprinter Van, in an amount not to exceed $114,429.13, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-1358
| 11. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Community Development Agency (CDA) Director to submit a grant application to the California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) Clean California Local Grant Program in the amount of $1,000,000, for the Penn Valley Parkway Beautification and Visitor Safety Project, and authorizing the CDA Director to submit any required documents to obtain the grant funding. (Dist. IV) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-1300
| 12. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and J.W. Bamford, Inc., for the Hazard Tree Removal Project (Res. 22-551), increasing the contract amount from $203,436.73 to a maximum amount not to exceed $413,436.73, extending the contract working days from 90 to 120 days, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract and the Auditor-Controller to encumber the contract. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-1359
| 13a. | Resolution | Resolution accepting the Office of Emergency Services' request to extend the Local Emergency in Nevada County resulting from the 2022/23 winter storms for an additional sixty days due to ongoing emergency-related costs that continue to be incurred by the County of Nevada. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-1867
| 13b. | Resolution | Resolution accepting the Office of Emergency Services' request to extend the Local Emergency in Nevada County resulting from the late February 2023 winter storms for an additional sixty days due to ongoing emergency-related costs that continue to be incurred by the County of Nevada. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-1357
| 14. | Resolution | Resolution accepting a grant from the California State Library for $137,252 in funds to support the Lunch at the Library Program at the Nevada County Library, for the use during the period June 9, 2023 through September 1, 2023, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Library budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-1355
| 15. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 1 to the agreement between the County of Nevada and the San Juan Ridge Community Library to support operation of the San Juan Ridge Community Library (Res. 22-488), increasing the amount by $20,000 for a new contract amount not to exceed $130,000 to assist with operating expenses and professional development, for the period of July 1, 2022 though June 30, 2024, and authorizing the County Librarian to execute the amendment. (Dist. IV) | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-1356
| 16. | Resolution | Resolution approving a contract between the Nevada County Library and Columbia Telecommunications Corporation dba CTC Technology and Energy for the provision, installation, and maintenance of advanced network (data) services at the Nevada County Library branches, in the amount not to exceed $161,572 not including taxes and surcharges, for the period April 25, 2023 through June 30, 2028, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of supervisors to execute the contract. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 23-0914
| 17. | Appointment/Resignation | Reappointment of Lindy Beatie and Ashley Quadros as Public Sector members, Annie Mikal-Heine, Nicole McNeely and Dena Malakian as Low-Income Sector members, and Barbara Larsen as Private Sector member to the Adult and Family Services Commission, for two-year terms ending April 30, 2025. | Reappointed. | Pass |
Action details
SR 23-1259
| 18. | Resolution | Resolution proclaiming April 30, 2023 as "Therapy Animal Day" in Nevada County. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
SR 23-1042
| 19. | Recognition | Certificate of Recognition for Team Rubicon Volunteers for their heroic efforts in assisting with the response and recovery of the declared snowstorm emergency issued on February 28, 2023 called Operation Snowstorm - Grass Valley/Nevada City, CA, from March 13 to 17, 2023. | Recognized. | Pass |
Action details
SR 23-1043
| 20. | Resolution | Resolution designating the Rome Power House Located at 19700 Purdon Road, Nevada City, VA 95959 (APN 032-450-004-000) as Nevada County Historical Landmark NEV 23-01. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
SR 23-1708
| 21. | Approval | Approval of and authorization for the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign and submit the attached Letter of Support for SB 783 (Archuleta) to create a veteran suicide prevention training pilot program in Nevada County. (Veterans Services Office) | Approved. | Pass |
Action details
SR 23-1343
| 22. | Ordinance | (Introduce/Waive further reading) An Ordinance amending Article 8 of Chapter 5 of the General Code of the County of Nevada regarding the Cannabis Business Tax. (4/5 affirmative vote required) | First reading held. | Pass |
Action details
SR 23-1044
| 23. | Recognition | Certificate of Recognition for Tina Vernon for over 22 years of public service with 12 years as Nevada County Treasurer-Tax Collector. | Recognized. | Pass |
Action details
SR 23-1267
| 24. | Appointment/Resignation | Swearing-in of Michelle Bodley as Treasurer-Tax Collector, for a term beginning April 29, 2023 and ending January 4, 2027 at noon. | | |
Action details
SR 23-1350
| 25. | Presentation | Youth Leadership Award for Nevada County's Poetry Out Loud champion Sam Uelmen, Sierra Academy of Expeditionary Learning High School student. | | |
Action details
SR 23-1348
| 26a. | Presentation | Presentation from the Arts Collaborative of Nevada County, dba Nevada County Arts Council, on activities associated with Arts, Culture, and Creativity Month in Nevada County in April 2023. (Eliza Tudor, Executive Director, Nevada County Arts Council) | | |
Action details
SR 23-0375
| 26b. | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution 21-178 designating Arts Collaborative of Nevada County dba Nevada County Arts Council as Nevada County's ongoing local partner for the California Arts Council (CAC) State-Local Partnership Program, approving the submittal of ongoing annual applications by the Nevada County Arts Council to the CAC, and designating Nevada County Arts Council to execute CAC's grants as approved by California Arts Council. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
SR 23-1405
| 27. | Resolution | Resolution approving a license agreement between the County of Nevada, Gold Country Kiwanis, and Fire Safe Council of Nevada County for use of the Nevada County Eric Rood Administrative Center for the Eighteenth Annual Health, Safety, and Fire Preparedness Carnival, to take place on May 6, 2023, and authorizing the Director of Emergency Services to execute the agreement. | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details
SR 23-1310
| 28. | Resolution | Resolution of Intention to approve an amendment to the contract between the Board of Administration California Public Employees’ Retirement System and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Nevada, to provide section 20439 (County jail, detention or correctional facility employees as "County Peace Officers"). | Adopted. | Pass |
Action details