SR 25-0049
| 1. | Resolution | Resolution approving Standard Agreement Number 24-40138 with the Department of Health Care Services for the purpose of identifying and providing Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System services for substance use disorder treatment as well as Specialty Mental Health Services in Nevada County, for the term of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the agreement. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0117
| 2. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and California Hearing Officers, LLP which provides Hearing Officers for mental health certification review hearings (PESR4869), increasing the maximum amount from $35,000 to $135,000, extending the contract termination date to June 30, 2026, amending Exhibit “B” Schedule of Charges and Payments to reflect those changes as well as a change in the cancelation policy and associated fees, directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Behavioral Health Budget for fiscal year 2024/25, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment. (4/5 Affirmative vote required) | | |
Not available
SR 25-0074
| 3. | Resolution | Resolution approving execution of a Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Nevada and Child Advocates of Nevada County to reimburse Child Advocates of Nevada County for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities, in the maximum amount payable of $400,000, for the term of January 1, 2025, through June 30, 2027, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0065
| 4. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the application to California Volunteers in the amount of $2,000,000 to be used for the continuation of the CaliforniansForAll Youth Services Corps Program. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0091
| 5. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing Amendment No. 1 to the renewal contract between the County of Nevada and Nevada-Sierra Connecting Point Public Authority for the provision of the Coordinated Entry System (PESS5022), increasing the maximum contract price from $26,521 to $54,368, revising Exhibit “B”, Schedule of Charges and Payments to reflect the increase in the maximum contract price and a term extension to June 30, 2025, directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Housing and Community Services budget for fiscal year 2024/25, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment. (4/5 Affirmative vote required) | | |
Not available
SR 25-0093
| 6. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the execution of renewal Standard Agreement Number 25F-6029 with the State Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) for the 2025 Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Programs funding to support services to improve the conditions of low-income residents, in the maximum amount of $298,666, for the term January 1, 2025, through April 30, 2026, and authorizing the Health and Human Services Agency Director execute the Agreement, as well as any subsequent amendments and other documentation as may be required by the Community Services and Development in connection with this grant, on behalf of the County. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0115
| 8. | Resolution | Resolution approving the Nevada County Community Corrections Partnership Plan for fiscal year 2024/25, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Plan. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0120
| 9. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Nevada County Sheriff to accept a grant from the Rüdiger Foundation to fund purchases related to K9 Odin for the Sheriff's Office, in the amount of $25,700.00 for a one-year period commencing December 17, 2024, and authorizing the Sheriff or their designee to execute the agreement. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0128
| 10. | Resolution | Resolution approving a contract between the County of Nevada and Rincon Consultants, Inc. for the preparation of a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan in the maximum amount of $397,441, for the period of February 11, 2025, through July 31, 2026, directing the Auditor-Controller to release $132,411 from the Special Project Continuation assignment in the General Fund, and amend the fiscal year 2024/25 Recreation Budget, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. (4/5 Affirmative vote required) | | |
Not available
SR 25-0092
| 11. | Resolution | Resolution approving Program Supplement No. N049 Rev.2 to Administering Agency-State Agreement NO. 03-5917R, in the amount of $13,490,000, for the Dog Bar Road over Bear River Bridge Replacement Project, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the document. (Dist. II) | | |
Not available
SR 25-0094
| 12. | Resolution | Resolution approving the Program Supplement No. F057 Rev. 1 to Administering Agency-State Agreement NO. 03-5917F15 for the construction of the Hirschdale Road at UPRR Crossing project (Res. 16-379), in the amount of $4,419,744, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the agreement. (Dist. V) | | |
Not available
SR 25-0118
| 13. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Chair of the Board to sign the Invitation to Bid, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to solicit bids for the Combie Road Multi-Use Path, County Project No. 440844. (Dist. II) | | |
Not available
SR 25-0119
| 14. | Resolution | Resolution approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Nevada and the City of Nevada City to transfer $346,745 in Rule 20A Credits for the Red Dog Road Undergrounding Project, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. (Dist. I) | | |
Not available
SR 25-0124
| 15. | Resolution | Resolution amending Authorized Personnel Staffing Resolution 24-353, as amended, effective February 11, 2025. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0123
| 16. | Resolution | Resolution amending Authorized Personnel Salary Resolution 24-354, as amended, effective February 11, 2025. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0133
| 17. | Resolution | Resolution accepting the Fiscal Year 2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant from the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services funded through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the amount of $142,496 with a 100% match requirement for use during the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026, retroactively authorizing the Director of Emergency Services to execute the grant agreement, and authorizing the Director of Emergency Services, County Executive Officer, and Assistant County Executive Officer to sign all documents necessary to fulfill the requirements of the grant on behalf of the County of Nevada. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0139
| 18. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Nevada County Office of Emergency Services to submit a grant application to the Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program in an amount not to exceed $10 million with in-kind Firewise Community match in the amount of $2.5 million and authorizing the Director of Emergency Services to execute all additional documents to fulfill the requirements of the grant on behalf of the County of Nevada. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0009
| 19. | Resolution | Resolution accepting the Fiscal Year 2024 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funds from the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services funded through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in the amount of $159,879, for use during the period of September 1, 2024, through May 31, 2027, retroactively authorizing the Director of Emergency Services to execute the grant agreement, and authorizing the Director of Emergency Services, Director of Information and General Services, and the County Executive Officer to fulfill the requirements of the FY 2024 Homeland Security Grant Program. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0058
| 20. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the purchase of modular furniture from Walker’s Office Supplies for the Community Development Agency office remodel project, in the amount not to exceed $410,000, authorizing the Purchasing Agent to create a Purchase Order for this procurement, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute change orders in an amount not to exceed 10% of the contract total. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0148
| 21. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Contract No. PESR4849 between the County of Nevada and Downey Brand, LLP, for general legal representation (PESR4849) increasing the maximum contract price by $25,000 to a maximum of $75,000, extending the term of the contract to June 30, 2026, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment. (4/5 Affirmative vote required) | | |
Not available
SR 25-0037
| 22. | Resolution | Resolution adopting the County of Nevada 2025 Legislative Platform. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0142
| 23. | Resolution | Resolution adopting the 2025-2026 Board Objectives for Nevada County as discussed at the Board's January Workshop, and directing the County Executive Officer to use the Board Objectives for the development of the 2025-2026 fiscal year budget and the management of the County operations, programs and services. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0136
| 24. | Resolution | Resolution adopting the 2025 Nevada County Vision, Mission, and Values Statement for the County of Nevada. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0135
| 25. | Approval | Approval of the Order and Decorum of Board Business for 2025. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0050
| 26. | Resolution | Resolution adopting the Nevada County Assessment Appeals Board Local Rules. | | |
Not available
SR 24-1643
| 27. | Appointment/Resignation | Appointment of Violet Nakayama as a member to the Citizen's Oversight Committee of the Nevada County Library for an unexpired four-year term ending March 31, 2025. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0114
| 28. | Acknowledgement | Acknowledgment of the updated Chair appointments to the Nevada County Transportation Commission also acting as Nevada County Airport Land Use Commission amongst other small administrative updates. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0071
| 29. | Appointment/Resignation | Acknowledge Supervisor Hoek's appointment of John Foley as District 4 Representative to the Planning Commission, effective January 10, 2025. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0072
| 30. | Appointment/Resignation | Acknowledge Supervisor Tucker's appointment of Rick Hansen as District 2 representative to the Nevada County Planning Commission and the appointment of Andrew Klein as District 2 representative to the Airport Commission, both effective January 13, 2025. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0097
| 31. | Appointment/Resignation | Acknowledge Supervisor Tucker's reappointment of Craig Ferrari as District 2 representative to the Nevada County Fish and Wildlife Commission, effective January 14, 2025. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0095
| 32. | Appointment/Resignation | Reappointment of Dee Murphy, as Chair to the Board of Supervisors Representative, and Maralee Nelder as board of Supervisors Representative, to the Board of Trustees of the Law Library for one-year term ending January 31, 2026. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0073
| 33. | Appointment/Resignation | Accept the resignation of Lori Malone from the Mental Health and Substance Use Advisory Board, effective January 9, 2025. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0130
| 34. | Minutes | Acceptance of the Board of Supervisors November 26, 2024, minutes. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0137
| 7. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the HOMEKEY+ program for a total award amount not to exceed $7,200,000, authorizing participation in the Homekey+ Program, and authorizing the Health and Human Services Agency Director, or Designee, to execute the application and the HOMEKEY+ documents. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0032
| | Public Comment | Members of the public shall be allowed to address the Board of Supervisors on items not appearing on the agenda that are of interest to the public and are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0070
| 35. | Presentation | Informational presentation from Connecting Point recognizing February 11 as “211 Day” in Nevada County, as proclaimed by the Board of Supervisors in 2021. (Tim Giuliani and Lindsay Gordon, Connecting Point) | | |
Not available
SR 25-0134
| 36a. | Resolution | Resolution requesting membership in Pioneer Community Energy and approving the amended and restated Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement through Amendment No. 6, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment, and authorizing the County Executive Officer, or their designee to execute other necessary documents to facilitate the membership in Pioneer Community Energy. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0122
| 36b. | Ordinance | (Introduce/Waive further reading) An Ordinance authorizing the implementation of a Community Choice Aggregation Program in Nevada County. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0057
| 37. | Resolution | Public hearing to consider approval of the Truckee Fire Protection District Capital Improvement Plan, Mitigation Fee Annual Expenditure Plan and 5-Year Findings Report for fiscal year 2024/25 which include annual inflationary adjustments to Development Impact Mitigation Fees (“AB 1600 Fees”) for the Truckee Fire Protection District.
Resolution adopting the Truckee Fire Protection District Capital Improvement Plan, Mitigation Fee Annual Expenditure Plan and 5-Year Findings Report for fiscal year 2024/25 which include annual inflationary adjustments to Development Impact Mitigation Fees (“AB 1600 Fees”) for the Truckee Fire Protection District pursuant to Nevada County Code Section 17.02.030, setting the effective date of the fees as April 12, 2025. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0144
| 38. | Resolution | Resolution approving the Grant Award Agreements for Last-Mile Broadband Grant Program - Final Round between the County of Nevada and Exwire, Inc. (dba: Oasis Broadband) and AT&T in the amount of $1,167,624, directing the Auditor-Controller to release $250,000 from the Board Priorities Assignment in the General Fund and $750,000 from the Special Project Continuation Assignment in the General Fund and amending the Information and General Services Administration Fiscal Year 2024/25 budget, and authorizing the Director of Information and General Services or designee to executed the Grant Award Agreements and any related documents required to finalize the projects. (4/5 Affirmative vote required) | | |
Not available
SR 25-0116
| 39. | Public Hearing | Public hearing to consider adoption of a resolution amending special taxes within the Darkhorse Permanent Road Division and impose an annual special tax adjustment in compliance with Proposition 218.
Resolution to amend the Special Taxes for the Existing Darkhorse Permanent Road Division. (Dist. II) | | |
Not available
SR 25-0131
| 40. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign Nevada County's 2025 Community Wildfire Protection Plan, per the requirements of the Healthy Forest Restoration Act of 2003. | | |
Not available
SR 24-1603
| 41. | Presentation | Presentation of Nevada County Employee Service Awards to 104 employees who have been employed with the County for either 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 years. | | |
Not available
SR 25-0008
| 42. | Closed Session | Pursuant to Government Code § 54954.5(e), a closed session is requested for the annual consultation with Shannan Moon, Sheriff, or their designee, Craig Griesbach, Acting Director of Information and General Services Agency, or their designee, and Erin Mettler, Chief Fiscal Officer/Deputy County Executive Officer, or their designee, concerning matters posing a threat to services or facilities. | | |
Not available