SR 24-1600
| 1. | Agenda Item | Selection of Chair and Vice Chair for 2025. | | |
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SR 24-1601
| 2. | Agenda Item | Recognition of Chair Hardy Bullock. | | |
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SR 25-0028
| 3. | Resolution | Resolution approving a renewal contract between Aurora Behavioral Healthcare - Santa Rosa, LLC and the County of Nevada for the provision of Psychiatric Inpatient Hospitalization Services under Welfare and Institutions Code section 5150 for referred County clients in the maximum amount of $200,000 for the term of July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. | | |
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SR 24-1594
| 4. | Resolution | Resolution approving a Service Agreement between County of Fresno and County of Nevada for the provision of specialized mental health residential treatment services for seriously emotionally disturbed adolescents in the maximum amount of $150,000 for the contract term of January 14, 2025, through June 30, 2027, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the agreement, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the fiscal year 2024/25 Behavioral Health budget. (4/5 Affirmative vote required) | | |
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SR 24-1623
| 5. | Resolution | Resolution recommending Recover Medical Group for selection by the Nevada County Board of Supervisors as Eastern County’s Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Program provider as well as recommendation for licensure. | | |
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SR 24-1635
| 6. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment No. 3 to the Participation Agreement between the California Mental Health Services Authority Semi-Statewide Enterprise Health Record Program and Nevada County for services related to a California-centric Enterprise Health Record (Res. 22-365) to increase the number of Electronic Health Record users for the term of July 1, 2022, through March 18, 2029, shifting $252,612 from the contingency budget to committed funding, keeping the contract maximum at $2,281,864.27, and authorizing the Director of Behavioral Health to execute the amendment. | | |
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SR 25-0026
| 7. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 3 to the agreement between the California Mental Health Services Authority and Nevada County for Workforce Education and Training (Res. 22-003), extending the program term end date to June 30, 2026, leaving the maximum funding amount of $71,381.50 for the contract term unchanged, and authorizing the Director of Behavioral Health to execute the amendment. | | |
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SR 25-0025
| 8. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment No. 4 to the contract between Restpadd Inc, Redding and the County of Nevada for the provision of twenty-four hour locked Acute Psychiatric Services for residents of Nevada County (Res. 22-246), increasing the maximum contract price from $1,090,000 to $1,640,000 and revising Exhibit “B” Schedule of Charges and Payments to reflect the increase, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the fiscal year 2024/25 Behavioral Health Budget. (4/5 Affirmative vote required) | | |
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SR 25-0027
| 9. | Resolution | Resolution approving Agreement 24-79026-000 to accept funds from the California Department of State Hospitals (DSH) for implementation of a permanent DSH Diversion Program for individuals who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial for a felony, in the maximum revenue amount of $5,683,000 for the contract term of July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2029, authorizing the Director of the NCBH Department to execute the agreement, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the fiscal year 2024/25 Behavioral Health budget. (4/5 Affirmative vote required) | | |
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SR 24-1554
| 10. | Resolution | Resolution approving a 6-month Real Property Lease Agreement by and between the County of Nevada and Nevada County Housing Development Corporation, a California Nonprofit Organization, pertaining to County-owned property located at 16782 State Highway 49, Nevada City, CA (APN 004-140-067-000), designated as the location of the No Place Like Home Ranch House Supportive Housing Site (Res.19-622), and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the lease agreement. | | |
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SR 25-0039
| 11. | Resolution | Resolution approving Second Revised Subgrantee Agreement between Nevada County Housing Development Corporation, dba AMI Housing, and Nevada County, authorizing AMI Housing to solicit competitive bids and enter into a construction contract, and approving Project Plans and Specifications, for renovation of the building at 120 Badger Lane, Grass Valley, (APN 029-241-028-000), and authorizing the Director of Behavioral Health to execute the agreement. | | |
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SR 24-1533
| 12. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment 1 to the contact with Auburn Counseling Services, Inc. D/B/A Communicare for phone triage and other services (Res. 24-259), increasing the maximum contract price from $1,629,445 to $1,690,050, revising Exhibit “A”, Schedule of Services to reflect the addition of Glenn County and amending the scope of services to Sierra County, and revising Exhibit “B”, Schedule of Charges and Payments to reflect the increase in the maximum contract price in the maximum amount of $1,690,050 for fiscal year 2024/25, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment. | | |
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SR 25-0029
| 13. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing commitment for a deferred low-interest loan in the amount of $207,722 for affordable housing development to the Regional Housing Authority of Sutter, Yuba, Colusa and Nevada Counties for development of the Pacific Crest Commons housing development, a 55-unit affordable housing project for low-income residents in the Town of Truckee from the Special Project Continuation Assignment in the General Fund. (Dist. V) | | |
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SR 25-0019
| 14a. | Resolution | Resolutions approving the Exclusive Right and Option to Purchase for real property located at 12255 and 12245 Sierra Drive East, Truckee, CA, 96161 (APN 018-540-035-000 and 018-540-034-000) for the sum of $1,000, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute and exercise the Exclusive Right and Option to Purchase Agreement in furtherance of development of permanent supportive housing options upon successful application of the Homekey+ grant award. | | |
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SR 25-0061
| 14b. | Resolution | Resolutions approving the Exclusive Right and Option to Purchase Agreement for 1.54 acres of real property located at 12875 Rattlesnake Road, Grass Valley, CA 95945 (APN 022-020-026-000) for the sum of $1,000, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute and exercise the Exclusive Right and Option to Purchase Agreement in furtherance of development of permanent supportive housing options upon successful application of the Homekey+ grant award. | | |
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SR 25-0062
| 14c. | Resolution | Resolution approving the Exclusive Right and Option to Purchase for 1.49 acres of real property located at 11855 Slow Poke Lane, Grass Valley, CA 95945 (APN 009-320-004-000) for the sum of $1,000, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute and exercise the Exclusive Right and Option to Purchase Agreement in furtherance of development of permanent supportive housing options upon successful application of the Homekey+ grant award. | | |
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SR 25-0063
| 14d. | Resolution | Resolutions approving the Exclusive Right and Option to Purchase agreement for 2.0 acres of real property located at 13668 Auburn Road, Grass Valley, CA, 95949 (APN 023-010-001-000) for the sum of $1,000, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute and exercise the Exclusive Right and Option to Purchase Agreement in furtherance of development of permanent supportive housing options upon successful application of the Homekey+ grant award. | | |
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SR 25-0030
| 15a. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing an application to the Homekey+ program in a total amount not to exceed $2,400,000, authorizing participation in the HOMEKEY+ program, and authorizing the Health and Human Services Agency Director, or designee, to execute the Homekey+ documents for the project located at 12255 Sierra Drive East, Truckee, CA 96161. | | |
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SR 25-0064
| 15b. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing an application to the Homekey+ program in a total amount not to exceed $4,800,000, authorizing participation in the HOMEKEY+ program, and authorizing the Health and Human Services Agency Director, or designee, to execute the Homekey+ documents for the projects located in Grass Valley at 12875 Rattlesnake Road, 11855 Slow Poke Lane, and 13668 Auburn Road. | | |
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SR 25-0036
| 16. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Nevada County Probation Department to accept the Terms and Conditions of the Department of Health Care Services, Providing Access and Transforming Health Supports (PATH) Round 3 Justice-Involved Planning and Capacity Building Program funds for Correctional agencies, in the amount of $1,500,000, provisionally awarded on October 17, 2024, and authorizing the Chief of Probation to execute any necessary documents. | | |
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SR 24-1549
| 17. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Purchasing Agent to advertise a Request for Proposals for the Design Build Firearms Range project and authorizing the Sheriff’s Office to compensate unsuccessful proposers (up to 3 firms) in the amount of $12,500 each. | | |
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SR 25-0034
| 18. | Resolution | Resolution to update County capitalization thresholds and useful lives by asset class effective July 1, 2025. | | |
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SR 25-0047
| 19. | Resolution | Resolution accepting an amendment to the California Secretary of State's Grant Award known as Voting System Replacement, Grant Award Agreement No. 18G30129, providing an extension for counties with any unused funds to August 31, 2026. | | |
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SR 25-0021
| 20. | Resolution | Resolution accepting the California Office Of Emergency Services Grant Award VV24022601 for the Nevada County District Attorney’s Office for the Violence Against Women Vertical Prosecution Program in the amount of $202,545 for the period of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, authorizing the District Attorney, or their assignee, to execute the grant agreement and all additional documents to fulfill the grant requirements, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the fiscal year 2024/25 budget. (4/5 Affirmative vote required) | | |
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SR 25-0014
| 21. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and HDR Construction Control Group Inc., for Construction Management and Inspection Services for the Dog Bar Road over Bear River Bridge Replacement Project, - BRLO 0517 (084) - County Project No. 224024 (Res. 24-611), clarifying a term of responsibility in the contract, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment. (Dist. II) | | |
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SR 25-0020
| 22. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and HDR Construction Control Group Inc., for Construction Management and Inspection Services for the Hirschdale Road over Truckee River Bridge Replacement Project, County Project number 224029 and the Hirschdale Road at Hinton (UPRR) Overhead Rehabilitation Project, County Project number 224030 - BRLO 05917 (092 & 097) (Res. 24-614), to clarify a term of responsibility in the contract, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment. (Dist. V) | | |
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SR 25-0023
| 23. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement between the County of Nevada and the Town of Truckee for Snow Removal Services in the Glenshire/Hirschdale Area of Eastern Nevada County (Res. 20-482) in a revised amount not to exceed $86,567.38, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment. (Dist. V) | | |
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SR 25-0004
| 24. | Agenda Item | Annual report on Transportation Mitigation Fees for fiscal years 2023/24. (All districts) | | |
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SR 25-0024
| 25. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Chair of the Board to sign the Invitation to bid and the Purchasing Agent to solicit bids for the Electric Bus Charging Project Tinloy Street Transit Center, County Project Number 889830-10. (Dist. II) | | |
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SR 25-0038
| 26. | Ordinance | (Adopt) An Ordinance adding Chapter 17 to Title 14 of the Nevada County Code adopting regulations for Limited Density Owner-Built Rural Dwellings. | | |
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SR 25-0022
| 27. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Service Contract between Earth Foundries, Inc. and the County of Nevada for the Biomass Pilot Project Site Management and Operation (PESS5092), increasing the not-to-exceed limit by $74,000 for a new total not to exceed of $96,000, and authorizing the Information and General Services Agency Director to execute the agreement. | | |
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SR 25-0046
| 28. | Resolution | Resolution approving and authorizing execution of Amendment No. 1 for Professional Services Contract between the County of Nevada and Professional Credit for countywide debt collection services for various County accounts (BM122459), authorizing the option to renew the contract for up to two (2) additional one (1) year periods beginning July 1, 2025, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment. | | |
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SR 24-1463
| 29. | Resolution | Resolution approving the contract between the County of Nevada Office of Emergency Services and Ladris Technologies, Inc. for software and services known as Evacuation Planner (Public) and Evacuation Simulator (Professional) in the amount of $52,500, for the period January 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026, and authorizing the Director of Emergency Services to execute the contract. | | |
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SR 25-0055
| 30. | Resolution | Resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Contract between the County of Nevada and Dudek for the Community Wildfire Protection Plan Update (Res. 23-232), increasing the contract not to exceed amount by $25,000.00 from a contract maximum of $182,323.50, for the term May 23, 2023, through February 28, 2025, and authorizing the Director of Emergency Services to execute the amendment. | | |
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SR 25-0054
| 31. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Office of Emergency Services to apply for funding from the Forest Health Grant Program as provided through the State Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, and authorizing the Director of Emergency Services to execute the application and all additional documents required to fulfill the requirements of the grant. | | |
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SR 25-0056
| 32. | Resolution | Resolution approving the Good Neighbor Agreement (FS Agreement No. 25-GN-11051700-003) between the County of Nevada Office of Emergency Services and the USDA Forest Service for the Roadside Collaborative Wildfire Risk Reduction in the amount of $1,739,941.12 with $230,504.16 in USFS in-kind, for the period December 20, 2024, through December 31, 2029, retroactively authorizing the Director of Emergency Services to execute the agreement, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the fiscal year 2024/2025 Emergency Services budget. (4/5 Affirmative vote required) | | |
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SR 25-0042
| 33. | Resolution | Resolution accepting the Local Government Building Decarbonization Challenge Grant from the California Energy Commission #EECBG-24-001, for the design of electric vehicle charging infrastructure at fifteen County facilities and Gold Country Senior Services, for a grant totaling $700,000, and authorizing the Director of Facilities to sign ancillary documents related to the acceptance of the grant. | | |
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SR 25-0043
| 34. | Resolution | Resolution delegating authority to the County Executive Officer of Nevada County to give notices to the City of Nevada City and the Town of Truckee as required by Government Code section 25351. | | |
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SR 25-0035
| 35. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing Amendment No. 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Polco pertaining to conducting one National Citizen Survey and one National Employee Survey (Res. 23-426), increasing the amount by $6,200 to a total of $46,055, extending the term to July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the amendment. | | |
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SR 25-0017
| 36. | Appointment/Resignation | Chair appointments to various Nevada County Board of Supervisors committees, commission, etc. | | |
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SR 25-0006
| 37. | Appointment/Resignation | Reappointment of Rachel Peña to the First 5 Nevada County Children & Families First Commission, for a two-year term ending October 31, 2026. | | |
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SR 25-0005
| 38. | Appointment/Resignation | Acknowledge Supervisor Hoek's appointment of Leilani Vevang as member to the Penn Valley Area Municipal Advisory Council for an unexpired two-year term ending June 30, 2025, effective December 10, 2024. | | |
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SR 24-1602
| 39. | Agenda Item | Adoption of the 2025 Board of Supervisors Calendar. | | |
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SR 25-0044
| 40. | Minutes | Acceptance of the Board of Supervisors September 10 and November 12, 2024, minutes. | | |
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SR 24-1616
| | Public Comment | Members of the public shall be allowed to address the Board of Supervisors on items not appearing on the agenda that are of interest to the public and are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. (Please refer to page 12 for information on the various options available for members of the public to provide comment in both western and eastern county.) | | |
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SR 25-0052
| 41. | Recognition | Certificate of Recognition celebrating Robinson Enterprises’ 75th Anniversary of serving Nevada County residents and businesses. | | |
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SR 24-1459
| 42. | Resolution | Resolution designating the San Juan Ridge Tapestries, currently located at the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center at 17894 Tyler Foote Road, Nevada City, CA 95959, as Nevada County Historical Resource 25-01. | | |
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SR 25-0048
| 43. | Approval | Approve a Letter of Concern regarding the services of Pacific Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T California. | | |
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SR 25-0045
| 44. | Presentation | Presentation from Verizon Wireless on an overview of activities in Nevada County. | | |
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SR 24-1233
| 45. | Resolution | Resolution approving four Grant Award Agreements for Last-Mile Broadband Grant Program - Final Round between the County of Nevada and Exwire, Inc. (dba: Oasis Broadband) and AT&T funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Economic Development funds from the approved fiscal year 2024/25 budget, in the amount of $1,167,624, authorizing the Director of Information and General Services or designee to execute the Grant Award Agreements and any related documents required to finalize the projects, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the fiscal year 2024/25 Information and General Services Administration budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required) | | |
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SR 25-0041
| 46. | Resolution | Resolution approving the Nevada County Community Corrections Partnership Plan for fiscal year 2024/25, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Plan. | | |
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SR 25-0051
| 47. | Presentation | 2024 Board Objectives Year-End Report. | | |
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SR 25-0040
| 48. | Closed Session | Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, a closed session of the Board of Supervisors will be held for the purpose of discussing bargaining authority, safety retirement, and the overall compensation strategy here at the County. The designated labor negotiation representatives for Nevada County are Erin Mettler, Chief Fiscal Officer/Deputy CEO, Steven Rose, Human Resources Director, and Lisa Charbonneau, Labor Attorney. The labor negotiations concern Sheriff’s Management Association, Deputy Sheriff’s Association, Management Employees Association??, and Senior Executives. | | |
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SR 25-0007
| 49. | Closed Session | Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), County Counsel is requesting a closed session to discuss the following existing litigation case: County of Nevada v. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (U36E), CPUC Case Number C.23-12-020. | | |
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SR 25-0031
| 50. | Ordinance | Public Hearing to consider the Nevada County Planning Commission’s October 24, 2024, 4 for/0 against/1 vacancy vote recommending the adoption of an ordinance to add section 12.03.310 to the Nevada County Code Title 12 Zoning Regulations to establish health and safety standards, certification requirements, site development standards and design requirements that would allow for Tiny Homes on Wheels as single-family dwellings, second dwellings and dwelling groups consistent with allowed density, and accessory dwelling units within those zoning districts that would otherwise allow traditional built housing (ORD24-2).
(Introduce/Waive further reading/Adopt) An Ordinance amending Title 12: Zoning Regulations of the Nevada County Code to allow Tiny Homes on Wheels as permanent housing (ORD24-2). | | |
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