Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/26/2016 9:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Chambers, First Floor Eric Rood Administrative Center 950 Maidu Avenue Nevada City, California
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Legistar File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
SR 16-0642 1.ResolutionResolution approving a renewal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the County of Nevada and the County of Placer pertaining to Nevada County providing consultative/program management services for development of collaborative and regional health and human services in Eastern County, in the maximum amount of $111,537, for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the MOU.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0624 2.ResolutionResolution approving Amendment A05 to renewal Standard Agreement 14-90076 between the County of Nevada and California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) which provides funding for substance use disorder services (Res. 14-507), modifying the terms and conditions, and increasing the total maximum amount from $3,123,131 to $3,123,695, for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Agreement.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0625 3.ResolutionResolution approving a renewal contact between the County of Nevada and Auburn Counseling Services, Inc., dba Communicare for the provision of phone triage services and Regional Telephone Triage Services for Placer County’s Adult System of Care, and patients’ rights and quality assurance services, in the maximum amount of $888,726, for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0628 4.ResolutionResolution approving a renewal contract between the County of Nevada and Turning Point Community Programs, Inc. for the provision of Adult Assertive Community Treatment (AACT) Program Services as a component of the County’s Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Community Services and Supports (CSS) Plan, Supported Independent Living Program Services, and Integrated Health Care Services as part of the Integration Services Team (IST), in the maximum amount of $2,511,104, for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0634 5.ResolutionResolution approving Amendment A01 to Standard Agreement 14-10066 between the County of Nevada and California Department of Public Health, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch (CLPPB), for the provision of lead poisoning prevention activities (Res. 14-170), increasing the total maximum amount from $141,696 to $189,001, for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Agreement.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0643 6.ResolutionResolution approving renewal Agreement 15-11066 between the County of Nevada and California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS (CDPH/OA), pertaining to funding the HIV Care Program (HCP) Core Medical and Support Services and Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) Outreach and Treatment Services, in the maximum amount of $133,959, for the period April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2019, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Agreement.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0639 7.ResolutionResolution approving a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the County of Nevada and California Department of Social Services (CDSS) for the purpose of authorizing the Nevada County Department of Social Services’ staff access to TALX Corporation’s on-line employment verification service, at no cost to the County, upon approval by CDSS through September 30, 2017.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0640 8.ResolutionResolution approving Standard Agreement 16F-5544 between the County of Nevada and the State Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) for 2016 Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Targeted Initiative Funding, in the maximum amount of $17,000, for the period June 15, 2016 through December 31, 2016, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Agreement, and authorizing and directing the Auditor- Controller to amend the Health and Human Services Agency - Housing Division’s budget for Fiscal Year 2016/17. (Housing Division) (4/5 affirmative vote required)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0649 9.ResolutionResolution approving the Amended and Restated Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JPA) between Sutter, Nevada, Yuba and Colusa Counties, and the Cities of Live Oak, Yuba and Colusa, for the purpose of creating a Regional Housing Authority (Res. 11-205), and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the JPA. (Housing Division)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0606 10.ResolutionResolution approving a renewal agreement between the County of Nevada and County of Amador pertaining to the housing of Amador County inmates in the Wayne Brown Correctional Facility, with payment to Nevada County in the amount of $70 per inmate, per day, for the period of one year beginning with the date of the last signature, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the agreement.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0595 11a.ResolutionResolution awarding and approving a contract between the County of Nevada and Dokken Engineering for professional engineering services for the Hirschdale at Truckee River Bridge Rehabilitation and Seismic Retrofit Project (Res. 16-123), in an amount not to exceed $504,400, for the period July 26, 2016 through December 31, 2020, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Department of Public Works Fiscal Year 2016/17 budget. (Dist. V) (4/5 Affirmative vote required)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0673 11b.ResolutionResolution awarding and approving a contract between the County of Nevada and Dokken Engineering for professional engineering services for the Hirschdale Road at Hinton Overhead UPRR Bridge Rehabilitation Project (Res. 16-123), in an amount not to exceed $267,902, for the period July 26, 2016 through December 31, 2020, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract. (Dist. V)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0630 12.ResolutionResolution approving and directing the Department of Public Works to solicit Request for Qualifications from qualified traffic and/or civil engineering firms to develop a Feasibility Analysis for future La Barr Meadows Drive Corridor Safety Improvements. (Dist. III)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0601 13.ResolutionResolution approving Program Supplement Number F057 to Administering Agency-State Agreement for Federal Aid Projects Number 03-5917F15, in the amount of $267,740, for preliminary engineering on the Hirschdale Bridge at UPRR Crossing Rehabilitation Project - 5917(097), and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the original two documents. (Dist. V)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0650 14.ResolutionResolution approving and authorizing the Auditor-Controller to place delinquent solid waste parcel charge assessments onto the 2016/17 secured property tax roll. (Dist. V) (Sanitation)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0651 15.ResolutionResolution approving Amendment 3 to the agreement between the County of Nevada and Paratransit Services for the provision of specialized paratransit services in Western Nevada County (Res. 13-168), increasing the fixed vehicle service hourly rate to $35.88 and the fixed monthly rate to $56,692, for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment. (Transit)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0645 16.ResolutionResolution approving Amendment 1 to the agreement between the County of Nevada and Climatec LLC to install energy efficiency improvements at various Nevada County facilities and to oversee a program of energy conservation measures and solar energy generation (Res. 16-176), providing for an extension of the contingency period through August 31, 2016 in order for the County to secure financing for the projects, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment. (Facilities)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0646 17.ResolutionResolution approving Amendment 1 to the agreement between the County of Nevada and SunPower Corporation, Systems to engineer, procure, and construct five Solar Energy Generation Systems (Res. 16-177), providing for an extension of the contingency period through August 31, 2016 in order for the County to secure financing and obtain Planning approvals for the projects, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment. (Facilities)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0638 18.ResolutionResolution approving revised construction documents and directing the Purchasing Agent to solicit bids for the Bost House Renovation Project. (Facilities) (Pulled from consent by Supervisor Beason.)Adopted.  Action details Video Video
SR 16-0637 19.ResolutionResolution approving construction documents and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to solicit bids for the Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Project. (Facilities)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0669 20.MinutesAcceptance of Board of Supervisors Summary Minutes for June 28, 2016.Accepted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 16-0638 18.ResolutionResolution approving revised construction documents and directing the Purchasing Agent to solicit bids for the Bost House Renovation Project. (Facilities) (Pulled from consent by Supervisor Beason.)Adopted.Pass Action details Video Video
SR 16-0644 21.OrdinancePublic hearing to consider an Ordinance amending Article 2; replacing Articles 2.A and 2.B; and repealing Article 2.C to Chapter II of the Nevada County General Code pertaining to implementation of the Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006 (“DIVCA”). (Introduce/Waive further reading/Adopt) An Ordinance amending Article 2; replacing Articles 2.A. and 2.B; and repealing Article 2.C to Chapter II of the Nevada County General Code, pertaining to implementation of the Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006.Adopted.Pass Action details Video Video
SR 16-0675  Agenda ItemPursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), County Counsel is requesting a closed session to discuss the following existing litigation case: Global Discoveries, Ltd. v. Nevada County, et al., Nevada County Superior Court, Case No. CU16-081645.   Action details Not available
SR 16-0661 22.Ordinance(Introduce/Waive further reading/Adopt) An Urgency Ordinance adding Subsections G-IV 5.2.W, G-IV 5.4.C.4, G-IV 5.4.E.4, G-IV 5.4.H.14, G-IV 5.4.L, G-IV 5.10.C, G-IV 5.10.D, G-IV 5.10.E, G-IV 5.10.F, and G-IV 5.15.D to Article 5 of Chapter IV, and amending Subsections G-IV 5.2.V, G-IV 5.3.F, G-IV 5.4.C, G-IV 5.4.C.3, G-IV 5.4.E.1, G-IV 5.4.E.2, G-IV 5.4.F, G-IV 5.4.H, G-IV 5.4.H.9, G-IV 5.4, G-IV 5.7.F, G-IV 5.7.G, G-IV 5.8.B., G-IV 5.9.A., G-IV 5.9.B, G-IV 5.9.C, G-IV 5.9.E, G-IV 5.9.F, G-IV 5.10.A, G-IV 5.11, G-IV 5.12.A, G-IV 5.13, G-IV 5.14, G-IV 5.15.C, G-IV 5.16, G-IV 5.17, G-IV 5.18 of Article 5 of Chapter IV, of the Nevada County General Code, regarding Marijuana Cultivation Regulations. (4/5 affirmative vote required)Waived further reading and adopted.Pass Action details Video Video