Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/16/2021 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Chambers, First Floor Eric Rood Administrative Center 950 Maidu Avenue Nevada City, California
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Legistar File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
SR 21-0853 1.RecognitionCertificate of Recognition for Honorable Bernard "Bernie" Zimmerman for his public service on the Nevada County Historical Landmark's Commission and for being named Citizen of the Year by the Nevada County Historical Society.Recognized.  Action details Not available
SR 21-0839 2.ResolutionResolution approving Amendment 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Sierra Mental Wellness Group for the provision of crisis intervention and community client services, and for services related to the operation of a Crisis Stabilization Unit (Res. 21-256), increasing the maximum contract price from $2,497,912 to $2,599,860 to reflect an expansion of mobile crisis services, for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment.Adopted.Pass Roll call Video Video
SR 21-0793 3.ResolutionResolution accepting funds from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for the Community Mental Health Centers grant to increase peer support staffing within the County Behavioral Health System, in the maximum amount of $1,000,000, for the period September 30, 2021 through September 29, 2023.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0536 4.ResolutionResolution approving Amendment 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Child Advocates of Nevada County for the provision of Healthy Families America home visiting program services as a component of the County’s implementation of the California Home Visiting Program (Res. 20-425), increasing the maximum contract price from $678,922 to $1,369,938, extending the contract term through September 30, 2022, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0814 5.ResolutionResolution accepting Workforce Development Supplemental funding from the California Department of Public Health, in the amount of $573,399 from the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023, authorizing the Nevada County Public Health Director to execute any documents necessary in connection with the award, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Public Health Department budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0786 6.ResolutionResolution authorizing the submittal of an application for and acceptance of the County Allocation Award under the Housing Navigators Program, in the amount of $5,915 to be expended by June 30, 2024, and authorizing the Health and Human Services Agency Director to execute any and all documents necessary to participate in the Program.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0804 7.ResolutionResolution approving Amendment 01 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Wallis Design Studio Architects, Inc. pertaining to architectural design services for the Ranch House Project (Res. 21-052), increasing the contract price from $106,547 to $124,227 to reflect a change in the scope of services for the Ranch House Conversion Plan, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment. (Housing)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0795 8.ResolutionResolution accepting Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program Round 3 funds totaling $300,211.37, and authorizing the Director of Child Support Services, Collections, and Housing and Community Services to execute the Standard Agreement between the County of Nevada and State of California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency’s Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council to provide funding to the County to support County strategic objectives to address homelessness in the region. (Housing)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0836 9.ResolutionResolution amending Resolution 21-028, to authorize the District Attorney to execute the grant agreement and any additional documents, including extensions or amendments thereto, required by the California Office of Emergency Services and necessary for implementation of the Federal Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) grant award.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0860 10.Ordinance(Waive further reading/Adopt) An Ordinance amending Article 1 of Chapter XIV of the Nevada County Land Use and Development Code pertaining to Agricultural Lands and Operations Right to Farm sections.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0851 11.ResolutionResolution authorizing an application for the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development Cannabis Equity Grants Program for Local Jurisdictions, and authorizing the Nevada County Director of Building to execute the grant agreement.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0816 12.ResolutionResolution approving Amendment 1 to the contract between the County of Nevada and Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. for engineering and design services for the Guardrail Safety Audit Project, extending the contract term to December 31, 2022, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amendment.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0833 13.ResolutionResolution authorizing Environmental Clearance for the Guardrail Safety Audit Project, and authorizing the Director of Public Works to file a Notice of Exemption with the Nevada County Clerk-Recorder's office.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0835 14.ResolutionResolution approving bidding documents and specifications for the McCourtney Road Transfer Station Water Supply Test Well Project, authorizing the Purchasing Agent to solicit bids for this Project, and authorizing the Director of Public Works to award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in an amount not to exceed $261,000, or to reject all bids, and authorizing the Auditor-Controller to encumber the contract. (Solid Waste)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0852 15.ResolutionResolution amending the Nevada County Personnel Code (Res. 18-591), effective November 16, 2021.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0859 16.Ordinance(Waive further reading/Adopt) An Ordinance repealing section A-II 2.1 of Article 2 of Chapter II of the Administrative Code of the County of Nevada regarding the County's adoption of supervisorial district boundaries based on United States General Census information.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0824 17.ResolutionResolution authorizing acceptance of the Federal Aviation Administration Grant Airport Rescue Grant Program in the amount of $32,000, for the period November 16, 2021, through November 16, 2025, and authorizing the Director of Information and General Services to execute the grant agreement. (Airport)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0823 18.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Nevada County Airport Manager to submit an application for a California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) loan in the amount of $227,000 for the capital asset purchase of a new jet fuel refueling truck from Skymark Refuelers, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to accept and execute the Caltrans loan agreement, and approving the capital asset purchase. (4/5 affirmative vote required) (Airport)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0742 19.ResolutionResolution accepting the proposed Forest Reserve (Title III) spending plans for Forest Reserve funding in Fiscal Years 2021/22 ($27,500) and 2022/23 ($27,500), and directing staff to schedule a public hearing on January 11, 2022, for final approval. (Emergency Services)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0847 20.ResolutionResolution approving submittal of an application for grant funding to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program to fund the BRIC 2021 Nature-based Mitigation & Wildfire Retrofitting for Climate Resiliency in Nevada County Project, for hazard mitigation funding totaling $22.3 million dollars to complete the Woodpecker Ravine Fuel Modification Zone, and authorizing the Chief Information Officer to execute the application and other required documents for the Department of Homeland Security Grant Program. (Emergency Services)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0837 21.ResolutionResolution directing the Auditor-Controller to amend various Nevada County budgets through the First Consolidated Budget Amendment for the 2021/22 Fiscal Year and to release Economic Development Infrastructure Assignment, Civil Litigation Assignment, and Unassigned Fund balance in the General Fund in Fiscal Year 2021/22. (4/5 affirmative vote required)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0838 22.ResolutionResolution directing the Auditor-Controller to amend various Nevada County budgets through the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Quarter 1 Consolidated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Expenditure Plan Budget Amendment. (4/5 affirmative vote required)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0855 23.ResolutionResolution authorizing the County Executive Officer to sign Memoranda of Understanding with eligible entities to fund grant writing services on their behalf, in an amount not to exceed $20,000 per request and not to exceed a total of $50,000 per fiscal year, to further Board objectives.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0854 24.ResolutionResolution proclaiming November 2021 as "Hospice and Palliative Care Month" in Nevada County.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0784 25.ResolutionResolution designating the Nevada City Chinese Cemetery, located at 9 Kidder Court, Nevada City, CA 95959 (APN 037-050-071), as a Nevada County Historical Landmark 21-06.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0832 26.Appointment/ResignationDesignation of the 2022 Board members to serve as delegate, Supervisor Dan Miller, and alternate, Supervisor Sue Hoek, to the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), the Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA), Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA); and Supervisor Dan Miller to serve as delegate, and David Garcia, Solid Waste Program Manager, and Panos Kokkas, Director of Public Works, to serve as Alternates one and two respectively, to the Rural Counties Environmental Services Joint Powers Authority (ESJPA).Appointed.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0846 27.ResolutionResolution approving reappointment of Lynda Lapp as Member to the Kingsbury Greens Community Services District, for a term ending December 5, 2025. (Dist. II)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0845 28.ResolutionResolution authorizing remote teleconference meetings of the Board of Supervisors and its legislative bodies pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act. (Pulled from consent by Supervisor Hoek.)   Action details Video Video
SR 21-0845 28.ResolutionResolution authorizing remote teleconference meetings of the Board of Supervisors and its legislative bodies pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act. (Pulled from consent by Supervisor Hoek.)Adopted.Pass Action details Video Video
SR 21-0834 29.Sanitation ResolutionResolution directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Nevada County Sanitation District No. 1 budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0788 30.Sanitation ResolutionResolution approving the adoption of a list of projects in various District zones for the Nevada County Sanitation District No. 1, authorization to procure the equipment funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and local Sanitation District funds in various zones, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 budget and release of fund balance. (4/5 affirmative vote required)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0840 31.Sanitation ResolutionResolution approving plans and specifications for the Nevada County Sanitation District No. 1 Lift Station 26 Damage Repair Project, authorizing the Purchasing Agent to solicit bids for this Project, authorizing the Director of Public Works to award and execute a construction contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, not to exceed $49,000, or to reject all bids, and authorizing the Auditor-Controller to encumber the contract and amend the Fiscal Year 2021/22 budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0841 32.Sanitation ResolutionResolution approving the purchase of a capital asset, 12' x 82" Hydraulic Dump Trailer, in the amount of $16,620, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Wastewater Administrative budget. (4/5 affirmative vote required)Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0850 33.Sanitation ResolutionResolution authorizing remote teleconference meetings of the Nevada County Sanitation District No. 1 pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act.Adopted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0790 34.MinutesAcceptance of Nevada County Sanitation District No. 1 Summary Minutes for October 12, 2021.Accepted.Pass Action details Not available
SR 21-0794 35.ReportPublic Workshop regarding the 2021 Nevada County Supervisorial Redistricting process.Accepted.Pass Action details Video Video
SR 21-0831 36.ResolutionResolution accepting the 2021 Community Policing Development Crisis Intervention Teams Grant in the amount of $250,000 from the Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services to fund the salary and benefits of a trained Crisis Clinician for a second Mobile Crisis Team, for a two-year period commencing November 1, 2021, authorizing the Nevada County Sheriff to electronically accept and sign the award documents, and directing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Sheriff’s Office and Behavioral Health budgets. (4/5 affirmative vote required)Adopted.Pass Action details Video Video
SR 21-0858 37.ResolutionResolution approving a contract between the County of Nevada and Truckee Trails Foundation for the preparation of environmental review documents for the Pines to Mines Trail Project, in the maximum amount of $100,000, for the period November 16, 2021 through June 30, 2023, and authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the contract.Adopted as amended.Pass Action details Video Video