Legislative Title:
Public hearing to consider the meeting of Nevada County Planning Commission’s May 26, 2022 (4-0) (1 absent) vote and recommendation for the 49er Self-Storage project including: 1) Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration (EIS22-0003); 2) Approve the Zoning District Map Amendment to rezone the subject parcel from Highway Commercial (CH) to Neighborhood Commercial (C1) (RZN21-0003); 3) Approve the Petition for Exceptions to Road Standards to allow for a reduced easement width on Johnson Place (PFX21-0006), and; 4) Approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow for the development and operation of a self-storage facility with 17 permanent buildings and 7 storage containers, as well as the formal approval of the existing Alta Sierra Family Automotive auto repair facility. (Dist. II)
Planning Agency (Board of Zoning Admin, Subdivisions, etc.) (46)